Fields: Add/Edit Detail Display

The following basic fields are available when creating a new detail display or modifying an existing detail display.

When you add or modify a detail display, you must refresh the Discovery administrator database metadata cache in the Discovery server application. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache.

When you create a Reserve Target, Portfolio creates a Detail Display that matches the Reserve target. The Detail Display includes the basic fields (such as Title and Author) but does not include fields specifically for Academic Reserves (such as, Course Name, Course ID, and Instructor). If you want these fields to appear in the Detail Display for Reserve items, you must add them to the Detail Display for the Reserve Target.

Displays > Detail Displays > Add Detail Display

Displays > Detail Displays > Edit icon


Specifies a unique code (up to 30 characters) for this detail display. This code is used on Detail Displays and on other pages that display the detail display code. This field is required.

Note: The code must be unique. If you enter a code that is already in use and try to save the detail display, the software displays an error message. The message indicates that the code must be unique, and specifies that the value you entered is already being used for another detail display.


Specifies a descriptive name (up to 80 characters) for this detail display. This field is required.


Specifies the language for this detail display. Select a language by choosing a language in the list. By default, the detail display language is set to the default language used for search profiles.

The language selections in the list are defined in Profiles > Configure Languages.

Search Target

Specifies the search target from which the information is retrieved for the detail display. This field is required.

Note:  The Search Target list includes only those search targets that have a MARC-based Discovery source site.

The search targets in the list are defined in Search Configuration > Discovery Search Targets and in Manage Federated Data Sources > Search Targets. For more information, see Managing Discovery search targets and Federated Search Configuration.

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